Booking Information


The Lions Camps at Teresita Pines are available to large groups. With 3 facilities to serve you:

  1. Teresita Pines Village can accommodate 80 minimum-175 maximum people.

2. Wrightwood Village can accommodate 40 minimum-80 maximum people.

Our cabins are insulated, heated, and have bathrooms/showers. Each site has a Large Dining Hall/Lodge, and we have seasonal activities to offer with certified staff (Archery, Canoeing, Climbing Wall, and Pool). Additional self-serve activities include Hiking, Gaga, Volleyball, Basketball, Gel Blasters, and Horseshoes.

3. The Lions Den is a tent camping site that can accommodate up to 40 people with tent camping sand platforms, and a bathroom/shower house.

 The Lions Den is for use only during Fall, Winter, and Spring (no meal service or activities are provided for tent camping). Lions Camp at Wrightwood has access to the tent camp area as an additional program area during the summer. If there are people that are part of a group staying at either site with cabins, meals, activities (that prefer to tent camp at the same time), the cost is still the same for tent campers as it is for those staying in cabins, as the services provided are the same.

Reasonable rates per person are based only on number of nights (2-night minimum) and number of meals. There are no additional costs. 

Video tours are below of Lions Camp at Teresita Pines and Lions Camp at Wrightwood. However, we still require an in-person tour by a person who will be in attendance at the retreat (before booking).

Booking requires- 1. An in-person tour to start, 2. A signed reservation agreement, 3. A 25% deposit of estimated total.

Give us a call for more information, and/or fill out the form below, and we’ll reach out!

Weddings: Sorry, we do not host weddings.

Please contact us for availability and pricing.


Please send all checks to our PO Box.

Lions Camps at Teresita Pines
PO Box 98
Wrightwood, CA 92397



Suggested Meal Times: Breakfast 8:30 a.m., Lunch 12:30 p.m., Dinner 5:30 p.m. Please no meals later then 6 p.m. Meals Times Can Be Adjusted to Fit Your Schedule Through The Office In Advance. All Meals served cafeteria style. Hot & cold beverages are available 24 hours a day.

Please reach out to us for our updated menu. Please communicate any special food needs, i.e., vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, lactose intolerant, etc.

Overhead view of the Lions Camps at Teresita Pines

The camps

Teresita Pines Village, Wrightwood Village, and the Lions Den

Teresita Pines Village Cabins (Minimum= 70, Maximum= 200+)



Cabin #1
Cabin #2 A
Cabin #2 B
Cabin #4
Cabin #6
Cabin #7

Cabin #8A

Cabin #8B

Cabin #9
Cabin #10
Cabin #11
Cabin #12
Cabin #13
Cabin #14
Cabin #15
Cabin #16
Cabin #17
Cabin #18
Cabin #19
Cabin #20
Cabin #21

Total Cabins 21

Bed Count

22 (10 bunk beds)
10 (5 bunk beds)
10 (5 bunk beds)
5  (1 bunks, 1 single, 1 queen)
12 (6 bunk beds)

14 (7 bunk beds)

14 (7 bunk beds)

14 (7 bunk beds) 
14 (7 bunk beds) 
14 (7 bunk beds) 
14 (7 bunk beds) 
12 (6 bunk beds)
10 (5 bunk beds)
14 (7 bunk beds)   ADA accessible
14 (7 bunk beds)   ADA accessible
14 (7 bunk beds)  ADA accessible
8 (4 bunk beds)   ADA accessible
8 (4 bunk beds)   ADA accessible
8 (4 bunk beds)   ADA accessible
8 (4 bunk beds)   ADA accessible

Total Beds 230

Additional Facilities

2, ¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
bathroom building near by
meeting space, fire place

2 : ¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)

2 : ¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)

bathroom building near by
bathroom building near by
bathroom building near by
bathroom building near by
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)

The dining hall can accommodate up to 140 people, during summer the deck can accommodate 60 people. All Meals served cafeteria style. No personal use of Teresita Kitchen, Staff operated only. Hot & cold beverages are available throughout the day.

All cabins are insulated and heated, except Summer Cabins, Cabins 9-12, which are heated but not insulated. No bedding is provided. We suggest a good sleeping bag and pillow or adequate bedding like blankets and sheets.

Please contact the camp office for more information.

760-249-3580 or


Wrightwood Village Cabins  (Minimum= 40, Maximum= 90+)



Leader Cabin
Cabin #1
Cabin #2
Cabin #3
Cabin #4 A
Cabin #4 B
Cabin #5 A
Cabin #5 B
Cabin #6
Cabin #7

Total Cabins 10

Bed Count

8 (3 bunks, 1 full)
18 (9 bunk beds)  ADA accessible
8 (4 bunk beds)
12 (6 bunk beds)
6 (3 bunk beds)
8 (4 bunk beds) 
8 (4 bunk beds) 
6 (3 bunk beds)
12 (6 bunk beds)
12 (6 bunk beds)

Total Beds 102

Additional Facilities

Kitchen and full bath
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)
¾ bath (sink, toilet, stall shower)


The dining hall with large cozy fireplace can accommodate up to 100 people. All Meals served cafeteria style. Hot & cold beverages are available throughout the day.

All cabins are insulated and heated. No bedding is provided. We suggest a good sleeping bag and pillow or adequate bedding like blankets and sheets.

Please contact the camp office for more information.

760-249-3580 or


Lions Den


The Lions Den is located next to Lions Camp at Wrightwood and across the highway from Lions Camp at Teresita Pines in the beautiful Angeles National Forest, San Gabriel Mountains National Monument.

It features 
* Room for 40 people to tent camp
* Easy access to potable water
* Restrooms with flush toilets
* Hot showers
* Built in benches
* Fire pits (Fire restrictions/bans may apply, so check before you come.) 
* Parking
* Near Jackson Lake

Great for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Family groups, Youth Groups, Retreats, Etc

Note:  Lions Den is for use only during Fall, Winter, and Spring (no meal service or activities are provided for tent camping). Lions Camp at Wrightwood has access to the tent camp area as an additional program area during the summer. If there are people that are part of a group staying at either site with cabins, meals, activities (that prefer to tent camp at the same time), the cost is still the same for tent campers as it is for those staying in cabins, as the services provided are the same.

Please contact the camp office for more information.

760-249-3580 or