to Dec 3

Fall Fundraiser

  • Lions Camps at Teresita Pines Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are kicking off our Fall Fundraiser now until December 3rd, 2024. ! Help us sweeten the pot- Any amount helps: $25, $50, $100, $250, +. With your help, we can offset the costs for Camp groups that meet our mission.

Camperships - You can help give a camper a life time experience they will never forget just by donating. Give the Gift of Camp for the campers who attend the programs that we support—Lions Wilderness Camp for Deaf Children, Lions Diabetic Education Camp, Eye of the Lion (Family Camp for families with a blind/visually impaired family member) and Jay Nolan Camp (inclusive Camp for campers with autism). $25, $50, $100, $500, $1000, Other.

You Can Also Donate to help us build our NEW Low ropes course!! We want to introduce a new activity for our Campers to accomplish. A low ropes course is a series of obstacles that the groups will work on together, through team building and communication. Our goal is to raise enough money so that we can start building this exciting new activity.

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5:00 PM17:00

VIRTUAL 25th Anniversary Gala


You are cordially invited virtually to our 25th Anniversary Gala to celebrate and support the Lions Camps at Teresita Pines. Join us as we celebrate this tremendous milestone, look back at a quarter century of memories and the individuals, Lions Clubs and organizations that help make our camp what it is today. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you online at our 25th Anniversary Gala!


WHEN: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2020 (5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM)

WHERE: Online - we’ll be sharing where you can find us soon!

Please consider making a donation to support Lions Camps during these times. Any amount helps…Help us reach our fundraising goal at: https://www.classy.org/campaign/help-lions-camps/c295100

Or you can send a check to our P.O. Box mailing address (and we’ll add it to our totals):

Lions Camps at Teresita Pines

P.O. Box 98

Wrightwood, CA 92397

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2:00 PM14:00





Normally, during our Lions Appreciation Day & Open House each September, we have our activities open, hay ride tours of Camp, and a delish meal provided by the LA New Millenium Lions Club.

This year, we’re unable to host a (large) group at Camp due to COVID-19, of course. But there’s no reason not to virtually share a bit about Camp, and to show our appreciation to those Lions, Lions Clubs, Individuals, and Organizations that have shown tremendous support this past year, including awards present for gifts over $1,000!

Join us on Saturday, September 12th (2pm-3pm) to learn more about Camp and help us cheer on our Top Donors. Bring your favorite beverage, a snack, and we’ll entertain you.

Our open house is a FREE event and everyone is invited to join us online. For information on where to catch our broadcast, please Click the button below to Register (Registering will also add you to a raffle for Camp prizes!)

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